Lyme X

Together, Redefining the Lyme Status Quo

Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses present an urgent public health challenge. We need all hands on deck for coordinated public health efforts to address the real threat these diseases pose. Developing new and better ways to address these diseases is crucial—but real advancement cannot occur in a vacuum and partnerships can accelerate progress.

U.S. Department of health and human servicesGive - Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation

The Lyme Innovation Accelerator (LymeX), a partnership between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation, is the world’s largest public-private partnership for Lyme disease. LymeX, as a component of a larger moonshot, is identifying, developing, and implementing advancements in Lyme disease care — including next-generation diagnostics.

The LymeX Diagnostics Prize is a competition to accelerate the development of Lyme disease diagnostics.